Photo by Nichole Seguin
I'm a freelancer and former staff reporter with The Oakland Post.
My feature writing teacher would kill me if I started a profile like that. Isn't that what this about page is supposed to be? A profile of yourself? That might be easier said than done, but I'm going to give it a shot anyway.
A typical day in the life of a reporter: Today I made the words of an old Tommy Tutone song come true.
"I saw your number on the wall."
If we weren't journalists, we would make good cops because if you don't get back to us we will hunt you down. This time on a Facebook wall.
Another tidbit: I can always relate something to music. Most of the time, this is OK. It does occasionally buy me an eye roll when my song connections combine with an incredibly cheesy sense of humor, but so far they've put up with me.
I sometimes think people underestimate me because I don't look the part. I may look innocent, but just go ahead and screw up because if you do I've got no problem calling you out. I may not physically take notes, but I make up for it with a recorder and a mind like a steel trap. I don't forget anything.
I would love to write a novel one day. At this point, that sounds like I might as well have said I wanted to climb Mount Everest. When am I going to find time to do that in this profession? I will figure it out.
I love sports. I may have a minor obsession with the Tigers. I don't drink or smoke though, so I guess I can indulge in that.
I'm not sure what else I can say other than that if you met me, you would know I'm a pretty open book. If you want to know anything about me, just ask.